Breweries, wine merchants and beer bars, why not offer original bottle openers to your customers?

Posted on2 Years ago by

Drinking beer is no longer a fad. Like wine, beer has acquired a title of nobility. We taste it. So, you might as well open it with a bottle opener that has style.
That's good, Shohan-design offers you its cuvée of bottle openers: perfect goodies to offer to your customers.

The bottle opener, a material object to be created.

Often bottle openers are not original. Still, there is to do and I started.
I started by drawing the Bunny model and since then, this object has inspired me.

Here are the last 7 created. They are all examples of what I can propose:

Shark that I drew with the ocean, the beach and surfers in mind.

So British and Mademoiselle whose shape is inspired by busts of celebrities.

- Biru which represents the word beer written in Japanese katakana.

- Penguin to open the very cold beers.

- Maneki-neko, whose idea came to me by dint of looking at the one who keeps me company on my desk.

- Decapsulator in homage to Tim Burton's awesome movie that we always enjoy watching while eating a pizza accompanied by a beer.

Maneki-neko and Decapsulator are pocket models, which also make keychains.

Practical and solid objects, made of brushed stainless steel.

At Shohan-design, the originality of the object does not take precedence over its practicality. All bottle openers offered are designed to be effective. Each model is tested before it goes on sale. Solid, they are all laser cut in stainless steel 2mm thick.

Like all Brut d'inox collector's items, they are hand-brushed. This original finish offers the advantage of being less messy and less sensitive to wear. Indeed, if our bottle openers were polished, the slightest scratch would be seen immediately.

Professionals, an original bottle opener can be an interesting item to sell or offer to your customers.

Shohan-design offers you its bottle openers at reseller prices.

A bottle opener with the effigy of your brand?

A beer, once drunk, does not stay, a bottle opener if! Like the well-known Pastis 51 or Ricard pitchers, a bottle opener can therefore be a useful advertising object to promote your beer brand. It can, for example, accompany a special cuvée or be a goody to offer to your best customers.

So why not study together, the possibility of creating a bottle opener together? Maybe your logo lends itself perfectly to the exercise? Or can we find a topic to illustrate your brand image? Whether in small or large series, I am at your disposal to offer you a creation.


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